Social 1927

The Premier Artwork from an Oil Painting by

"El Griego"

Inspired by Massaguer's 1927 Social Magazine Cover


Regular Selection: Artwork is Printed on Artistic Paper

Upgrade to Professional Studio Canvas


From the Painting by El Griego

Inspired from a Social Magazine Cover, November 1927 Cuba

Also See Giclee's that are limited editions, Autographed and delivered with a Certificate of Authenticity

At: limitededitions.htm

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 12x16 (add $26.00)

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 16x20 (add $36.00)

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 20x24 (add $54.00)

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 22x28 (add $76.00)

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 24x36 (add $104.00)