Purchasing Online
on-line is now safe and secure with 1024 bit encryption.
The order forms which requests your personal information and credit
card number use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to encrypt ALL information
from your browser to the credit card company. Your personal information
is never exposed to the Internet. When you use our order pages,
you should notice that the browser turns on its "lock" icon (lower
left) to indicate that the connection is secured over HTTPS/SSL.
According to VISA/MC, your credit card number is safer with this
type of on-line purchase than that from the local shopping mall.
Note, we do NOT store your credit card number on any Internet server!
We also don't track your purchase and don't share your information
with anyone! We do not automatically collect any information about
you, nor do we place 'cookies' on your computer.
- The images within our website may contain watermarks or white
lines. Watermarks and white lines are not on the prints themselves.
To all 'Would Be Thieves',
We have a full staff double-checking all our orders; furthermore
we wanted to notify you that we will report your activities to your
local police department. If you feel that you absolutely need to
steal, we would appreciate it, if you would please go somewhere
else. All non-fraudulent orders welcome. Thank You.