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Oil Paintings by "El Griego"
Also Giclee's of These Oils On
(See The Price Menu Below to Order)

Title: "El Anon Tropical"
Oil on Canvas 20" X 24". El Anon, The
Tropical Fruit.
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $1350.00
Giclee NOW $425.00

Title: "Pan Cubano"
Oil onCanvas , 20"x24"Cuban Bread Vendor
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $950.00
Giclee NOW $425.00

Title: "Embassy Patio"
Oil On Canvas, 36" X 24", Rich deep coloration and
Rendition #4
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $1175.00
Giclee NOW $550.00

Title: "The Sugar Cane Cutters"
Oil on Canvas, 20" X 24", Magnificent Presentation
Inspired from M. Carreno's Artwork,
( Replica Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $2750.00
Giclee NOW $550.00

Title: "Playing Dominos"
Oil on Canvas, 20"x24"
(Original Painting was by E. Abela, 1942)
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Available NOW in Giclee Only At $425.00 ..
Private Viewings for Dade, Broward, Palm Beach
and Monroe County area shoppers are available by appointment.
El Griego's Paintings and Graphic Art Can be seen at many Fine
Cuban Restaurants, Shops & Galleries throughout Miami and
other cities in the USA and Canada. Select Oil Paintings by
El Griego can be seen at all of his art exhibitions throughout
the year in South Florida. We Ship by FEDEX, USPS and UPS Insured.
Shipped in air-tight, sturdy containers at our costs. (Prices,
terms, availability and conditions are subject to change without
prior notice).
Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed.
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