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Paintings by "El Griego"
Giclee's Of These Oils On Canvas NOW AVAILABLE
(See Drop Down Price List Below to Order)

Title: "Avenido del Puerto"
View Of El Morro Castle, Havana. 36"X
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $475.00 Available

Title: Community of "Bohios"
Oil, 36" X 24", Island Residential
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $750.00 Available
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Title: "Georgie Girl"
Theme taken from a 1910 Tabaco Silk
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $695.00 Available

Title: La Habana, Oil on
Central Buenavista..36"x24" ,1857
Sugar Mill
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $790.00 Available

Title: La Habana, "La Punta"
Oil on Canvas, The Point at Havana Harbor, 36"x24"
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $595.00
Giclee available
Title: "Social 1927"
Cuban Theme: "Social 1927", 24"X
36", Oil on Canvas.
"One of My Best Works"
Edition #19
( Oil painting ) by "El Griego"
Price: $3200.00
Email for photos
Private Viewings for Dade, Broward, Palm Beach
and Monroe County area shoppers are available by appointment. El Griego's
Paintings and Graphic Art Can be seen at many Fine Cuban Restaurants,
Shops & Galleries throughout Miami and other cities in the USA and
Canada. Select Oil Paintings by El Griego can be seen at all of his
art exhibitions throughout the year in South Florida.
Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed.
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